Targeted Advertising, Proven Results
Targeted placement, engaging messages, graphics that attract attention and a call to action that encourages results are all critical factors in digital advertising and print advertising. To achieve the most effective placement, Veritas Marketing starts with your objectives and target audience. This information is aligned with a head-to-head circulation or visitor analysis to determine the best placement possible. During the buying process Veritas Marketing negotiates with the media sources to get the best possible rate for you.
Once the advertising space is reserved, we develop the ads. We start the creative process with a creative blueprint to formulate all the important details. Then we develop ad concepts and copy for your approval. After the ad is completed, we coordinate materials for the various media sources to ensure material deadlines are met. The process doesn’t end after an ad runs. Veritas Marketing tracks and reports the results for digital advertising and print advertising to you.
An effective advertising mix can include website banners, e-newsletter sponsorships, media-hosted webinars, pay-per-click, custom email marketing to targeted media subscribers and more.